Najaf Lakzaei: 110 Completed and 100 Ongoing Research Activities in ISCA

According to the website of Islamic Sciences and Culture Academy, at the 114th meeting of research council of ISCA, the activities of the Center for Political and Social System of Islam and Iran have been examined with the presence of ISCA's president, head of the center, and directors of their departments. 
Dr. Najaf Lakzaei stated in this meeting that since 2015, 110 research activities have been completed to solve the five problems of the Center for Political and Social System of Islam and Iran and 100 activities are in progress. 
Separating these 210 activities, he said, "To solve the problems of deepening the thought of Wilayat-e-Faqih in Islamic seminaries and promoting the efficiency of the political system of the Islamic Republic of Iran at the Center of the political system of the Islamic Republic of Iran, 57 activities have been completed so far and 43 activities are underway.
To solve the problems of lack of comprehensive theory of justice in the Islamic Republic of Iran and the weakness of the clergy and Islamic seminary in cultural relief at the center of social issues of Islam and Iran, 17 activities have been completed so far and 20 activities are in progress.
In addition, to solve the problem of lack of vision of civilization focused on the new Islamic civilization at the Center of Islamic Civilization, 36 activities have been completed so far and 37 activities are under investigation.
Source: Islamic Sciences and Culture Academy


KeyWords : ISCA , Islamic Sciences and Culture Academy , Research Activities , Dr. Najaf Lakzaei
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